Confetti party

Cat Lee
1 min readJan 28, 2021
Photo by Mockaroon on Unsplash

So my therapist just told me that he will throw a confetti party for me when I cry in therapy.

Today in therapy, we spent the session exploring somatically the sense of hollowness that I have been feeling for days, uncovering that under this sensation (or seemingly lack there of) was actually a load of grief and sadness.

Sitting with sadness is difficult for me. I’m quick to find a silver lining or to bounce to the positive, but I’m learning that when bouncing to the positive is merely an avoidance of difficult emotions, I’m doing myself a disservice. As someone who values being authentic, I’m realizing this includes the spectrum of emotions and body sensations I feel as well. I hope to work on welcoming the experiences that are uncomfortable and hard, and not attempting to prematurely move past them. All of me deserves to hold space, and that includes the sadness.



Cat Lee

mental health | spirituality | social justice | life ponderings